50% OFF customization bulk hourly rate when purchasing 15 hours, and... The great thing about buying bulk hours is that there is no expiration, so if you purchased this 15-hour block of time and only used 10 hours this month, you can use that remaining 5 hours at any time whether its weeks, months or even years from now. They simply do not expire. Purchasing bulk hours is like having a design/development team on standby 24/7/365 All The Features You Need for Your Online Business!
Template Customization Bulk Rate
$1,005.00 Regular Price
$502.50Sale Price
Our Bulk Hours Package includes the following:
- Graphic Design
- Web Development
- Tech Support
- Consultation
- Think Tank Phone Conferences
- Shared Screen Training
- Troubleshooting
- Programming
- Marketing Collateral Design
- Ad Campaign Design
- eBlast Design
- Website Redesign/edits
- Additional Store Items Loaded
- Additional Custom Pages Built
- Website Editing, Customization and Adjustments
Sample Bulk Hour Work
The following link >>HERE<< is a sample of a front page that was created from scratch (fully custom) in 3.48 Hours
The following link >>HERE<< is a sample of a front page that was created from scratch (fully custom) in 2.72 Hours
The general rule of thumb is a template page that has already been created should only take .5 hours (approximately 30 min) to customize (give or take)